
The Telecommunications, Media, and Technology sector is being transformed by aggressive new entrants addressing untapped consumer needs and deploying innovative business models. We help TMT players and investors tackle those challenges.



We are passionate about TMT convergence and we have worked across all three industries:

We have led complex assignments across continents, from media strategic and financial reviews in mature markets to telecom auctions and investments made by tech giants in emerging markets.

We can also serve as an intermediary between the digital universe and traditional sectors.



We provide TMT players with strategy, planning, and economic and financial advisory support in the context of:

Digital Innovation

The digital revolution has engulfed all the TMT sectors and is accelerating. We can help our clients leverage their core assets and capture digital opportunities.

We can assist our clients in their digital innovation and transformation journey.

Corporate Development

TMT players need to start their digital journey by identifying their core assets, defining their strategic vision, and selecting their markets.

We can assist TMT players with their shareholder value analysis, portfolio strategy, and strategic communication.

Organic Growth

Traditional TMT players must re-invent themselves in order to compete with OTT players in the digital era. They need to put customers at the heart of their business model and complement their core services with new sources of revenues.

We can help you reinvent your business model, define your innovation and customer strategies, and enter adjacent markets.

Organisational change and performance improvement

TMT companies need to enhance their operations with digital capabilities,

We can help you assess and prioritise your operations initiatives, and define your implementation and change management programme.

Regulation and policy

Major regulatory changes are taking place or under consideration, such as net neutrality, GDPR, roaming. TMT players and investors must adapt to those new regulations, as well as changes in public opinion due to privacy and security scandals.

We can help you assess the potential impact of changes in regulation, and adjust your corporate and financial strategy accordingly.


The technology, media, and telecom sector is still very active in acquisitions and investments. Some of the deal rationales include consolidation, convergence, and sourcing of technology capabilities such as cloud or IoT.

There are however concerns in terms of market volatility, valuations, and deal synergies.

We advise strategic and financial investors in identifying, valuing, assessing and integrating deals across the TMT sector.


Client selection


How can we take you to the next level?

We tailor services to our clients' specific needs, build on their core values and help them realise their full potential for business growth.