Emerging market mobile operator, prepaid mobile offer



A mobile operator in Botswana needed a prepaid offer, bonus and loyalty programme to support its growth strategy.



Our team of one manager of two consultants analysed the regulatory and strategic context of the mobile operator and its past performance, then established a SWOT matrix. We benchmarked the existing offering of this mobile operator against its competitors and the subsidiaries of the mobile operator group, and identified the best practice in both emerging and European countries in the telecom sector and other sectors. Working with a research agency, we analysed the customer usage and acceptance of the new offering through a quantitative survey and qualitative focus groups. Working with the Chief Marketing Officer, our team designed the new offering, its pricing, and its customer journeys. Working with the Chief Technology Officer and the Chief Financial Officer, we mined the data, modelled the business case, and performed a sensitivity analysis. Finally, we made a feasibility study, created the implementation roadmap, and prepared the implementation phase (governance, PMO training) by working with Technology, Distribution and Client Management Directors and their teams.



The new innovative and competitive offering was approved the Board of Directors and was successfully launched within 5 months.

TelecomEt PicOrganic Growth