Mobile operator association, strategic study



An international industry association required recommendations pertaining to three strategic topics in view of a workshop with the Chief Strategy Officers of 15 global mobile operators.



Leading a team of four, we assessed the future of personal communications, the future of the SIM card, and the mobile handset and OS ecosystems. We analysed the key challenges facing the telecommunications industry, such as OTT services, and evaluated their impact on operators. We then recommended actions that operators and the industry association could collaboratively pursue to remedy these issues. In parallel, our team analysed the market and technology trends and liaised with key staff from the industry association. We also interviewed 15 Chief Strategy Officers from renowned mobile operators, including AT&T, América Mόvil, Vodafone, Telefόnica, Vimpelcom, KT, Axiata, and Softbank. The selection of interviewees covered both emerging and developed countries, and both the postpaid and prepaid markets. Finally, we ensured that the messages were legally compliant, and aligned with existing association’s projects and stakeholder engagement initiatives.



The recommendations were successfully presented in Hong Kong, and approved by the Chief Strategy Officer Group and Strategy Committee and Board of this international industry association.